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rickalden: Re: hey now

please see the loopy website/archives, for comparison between 
Echoplex/Jamman/others; that subject has been covered many times, here.
ifya wanna bid on scott kungha's 'stuff', i'd suggest that ya state *that 
particular subject* in the subject-line of yer email-to-the-list;
that'll more easily grab scott's attention.
or, simply email him privately.
hope that helps.
welcome to the list.

>Hey now,
>I just tuned in, so pardon my interjection....
>Well, it seems everyone is quite the jazz fan (I like everything from
>Ellington to Burrell to Keaggy myself) and probably all or most are
>musicians as well ( I also play guitar). Perhaps I'll add to the
>music/jazz history/evolution discussion at some other time, but for now
>just a few quick questions. Someone, Scott I beleive, has an Echoplex
>and a Jamman for sale?  I am interested! Please contact me with more
>info. Also, anyone who could compare the Jamman to the Echoplex (easy of
>use, functionality, old vs. new, etc.) I would greatly appreciate it.
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