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OT: Re: Miles, Lee Perry, and OAH

altruist@earthlink.net writes:
>I'm curious: where do you draw the influence connection from Miles to
i was just making shite up, quickly, off the top of my (broken) head..... 
told ya, they weren't gonna be very good 'examples'..... though, some may 
better than others);
i was just trying to make a point, and i got carried away.....
forgive, pls.....

>I don't know Lee's work so well, but my (admittedly
>under-informed) impression is that the most dub-oriented material of the
>Davis stuff ("Get Up With It" and "On The Corner" would be the main
>examples to me) existed more or less at the same time that Perry was
>doing a lot of his most seminal work (i.e. early- to mid-'70s.)  
>As I say, I don't know Perry's output, so I'll happily defer to a more
>informed source.
oops: sorry: that 'informed source' is *not* me.
you *know* i ain't no academician!
(finished high school at a matchbox-night-school / no college degree).

<snip of related stuff>

>On a totally different note, I was listening to OAH the other day and it
>occured to me that it's some of the most "ambient" music I've ever
>heard.  Not in the guitar-loop-soundscapy-wallpaper sense, but in the
>sense that much of the material seems to sort of hang there in the air,
>inviting attention from a variety of different perspectives.  It strikes
>me more as "sound sculpture" than as any sort of narrative construction
>(or fractured narrative, for that matter).
>Am I nuts?
well, hells, yeah!
funny, though..... i'd kinda thought it was my most 'song-form' recorded 
work, to date;
anyway, that's what page h. says.

>Wait, don't answer that...
too late.....
dt / S-C