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Re: Footswitch Final Cost; also FS300 Options

At 5:13 PM -0800 2/26/01, jim palmer wrote:
>> Is this doable?  Wire two FS300s with resistors and mix the two 
>> to a mono output, then send 'em to the EDP footswitch input?
>you don't have to mix it.
>a splitter cable will work
>or better yet add another jack in parallel
>on one of them and piggyback them...

that's right. making your own echoplex pedal is very simple. Just put the
switches + resistor in parallel with each other. connect that to the
echoplex pedal jack with an ordinary mono cable and you can control all of
the echoplex's functions. With the two FS300s just use a splitter as Jim
said -  that puts them in parallel with each other.

We designed it this way on purpose, so that all the smarts were inside and
anybody could easily make a custom pedal for themselves. See the
instructions at:



Kim Flint                     | Looper's Delight
kflint@loopers-delight.com    | http://www.loopers-delight.com