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Re: but wait... what's THIS?

At 1:26 AM -0800 2/27/01, Michael P. Hughes, PhD wrote:
>Probably missed during my lurk period:  in the latest Guitarist
>magazinearticle on NAMM, there is mention of a Boss RC20 Loop Station
>footpedal.  An
>ad takes up the story:  "easy to use yet powerful phrase recording pedal
>with Loop Quantise and realtime Tempo Change.  5min30sec sample time, 
>up to 10 looped phrases, 3 inputs, sample reverse."  Recommended price
>$400ish.  The pic shows a big 2-pedal floorbox.
>But.... does it have controlable feedback???

no. check the archives for other comments.


Kim Flint                     | Looper's Delight
kflint@loopers-delight.com    | http://www.loopers-delight.com