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Re: droning questions

Allan Hoeltje wrote:
> Someone pointed out to me via direct email (thank you Mr. Hoover! :-)
> that a
> Sustainiac Stealth or Stealth Plus could make several strings drone.
>  Indeed
> he is right.  I have the Sustainiac Model B attached to the neck of my
> 12
> string Stick and sometimes I will hold a chord in the bass with one
> hand and
> play single notes on the melody until I get things vibrating all over.
>  It
> is very cool with the EDP on a 10 second overdub and feedback set to
> 50%.
> (Jane calls it my "whale music".)
> While I do like this effect it would still be neat if there was a
> "sympathetic string vibration symulator."  My guess is it would
> require
> really good pitch detection and then resonate selected harmonics of
> the
> fundamental and them pump those into a long subtle reverb.  Hmmm,
> actually
> the GT-3 might be able to do this but would be limited to just two
> harmonics
> - gotta give this a try.
> Thanks, Lance, for the short delay sugestion - will try that also.

Tune the open strings to the harmonics. And there's a world of 
harmonics out there...

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