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200th Loop Of The Week Non-Contest this weekend!

Can you believe it's gone on this long?  No, don't answer.  This weekend
I'll be posting the 200th Loop Of The Week, posted at my Studios site since
1996 (though if you do the arithmetic you must realize that some were two-
or three-week postings, depending on situations).  In commemoration of this
I am running a non-contest (named in spite, be assured).  Along with the
200th LOTW you'll be able to find the story behind its development and
history so far.

The 200th Loop Of The Week Non-Contest will take place between Saturday, 
12 at 1200 hrs GMT (4am Pacific Time) and Sunday, May 13 at 2359 hrs GMT
(1559pm Pacific Time).  All people who enter the EarthLight Studios page at
http://www.earthlight.net/Studios.html and send me the resultant graphic
from the hit counter at the very bottom are eligible.  I shall be 
the page between those times, and the range of numbers for selection will 
defined by my saving the hit counter value at each end of the timeline.

When you come on in and download Loop Of The Week #200, go to the bottom of
the page, where the hit counter is, and save or send it, by either
right-clicking on the counter and choosing Send by Email..., or by
right-clicking on the counter, choosing Save Picture As... and saving the
graphic file to your hard drive, THEN emailing it to me at
lotw200@earthlight.net - I'll supply a link right above it for this.  This
will constitute your entry number, and be some proof to me that it is of
course valid.  I won't look at anything but the first and last numbers to 
sent, and will then generate a random number in that range, the winner will
result, and will be sent a copy of my CD, Club Meditation.  Sounds easy,
doesn't it?  No?  Then Let me know.  In any event instructions will also be
at the page at http://www.earthlight.net/Studios.html.  And non-winners 
be notified, with the option of purchasing their own copy of Club

I thought I should tell you folks first. :)

Stephen Goodman
http://www.earthlight.net/Studios * Enter the 200th Loop of the Week