Hi everybody,
this topic is an important one by my point of
i think one of the things we are missing beside the
wonderful brainstorms we have in this deep and powerful list is the chance to
meet each other and, more important, to "pollute" each other.
we can listen to each others' sounds on cds or
audio files, but to see people perform live is another thing.
for me as european is sometimes sad to see how many
things are happening in Us (well, i'm very happy for you who are in Us, but in
those moments i feel the distance as a heavy thing)
a few months ago some guys organized an event in
switzerland, i hadn't the chance to go there, but i know it has been an
interesting experience.
i agree with rick when he says that looping (that
means a different and open approach to music) is a sort of new "musical
movement" we should do our best to introduce to people.
last year i did a "census" on LD between european
residents (that is available for everyone would ask for it), so now i have
an interesting collection of names from the whole europe.
now, what to do ?
unfortunately i don't have the chance to go further
from there; in my area there is a poor situation regarding live music that is
not played by very famous people of the so called mainstream or groups playing
covers (again, of the so called ....).
i am organizing a small gtr festival on garda lake,
this year it will be its 2nd edition.
each year there will be 6 different gtr
i am trying to make the public more
and more familiar with a certain way of thinking and playing music balancing
innovative musicians with some using more usual languages
last year we were in three loopers, one baroque, a
fingerpicker and a blues player.
this year we will have 2 loopers, Mr. Hans Reichel,
Mr.Duck Baker, a jazz player and Mr. Mike Cooper.
with this year i am trying to obtain a certain
reputation so to have the chance to risk more with the next
i hope this will drive us to the chance of making a
looper/creative festival in the future.
all the best