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Re: Question on EDP: Non volatile memory?

> I notice an interesting thing with a lot of people as they get more into 
> looping. Usually they start off thinking that loop storage is really 
> important. That is usually the stage where they stick to very static 
> where something is created with an overdub or two, and then left to 
> as is forever while they play along with it. So they think a lot about 
> wanting to save that loop. (this is usually where the complain a lot 
> the EDP lacks that feature. :-)  Then as they get more into it, they 
> discover more and more that there is so much creative possibilities in 
> *process* of creating loops, and manipulating them and evolving them on 
> fly. The loop at any given point along the way is less of the focus. As 
> they follow that path, they gradually forget about the whole idea of 
> storing loops, because in that context it doesn't really make sense 
> anymore. Instead they think more about recording the whole process as 

and then they think "hey, i could use this approach while i'm creating 
and then reuse those loops while using another approach."

i realize this is not addressed exactly by having non-volatile memory.
what i want is the ability to save loops and get them on my pc.
i'm not selling my edp, though...