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i love mine - but that's just me.
of course, things like this depend so heavily on the rig you're using, what you want it to do, etc...
it has some limitations, but since everything does you just want to make sure that they're limitations you can love.

ok, live with.

for instance, you can't continuously vary the speed of a loop once it's in there, but as nice as that would be i have not found that to be a heart-breaker.

it's pretty pricey - i nearly went into a coma after i bought mine. two days later i was wondering how i had done without it all that time!

that's, as they say, my $.02...
your mileage, as they say, may vary.


> has anyone tried a Boomerang looping pedal?
> http://www.boomerangmusic.com/
> i've seen them advertised but haven't had the chance to play one yet.
> --
> jOHN jENS     jJENS@fREESHELL.oRG      hTTP://3498479109/~jjens/

just what the world needs... another frikkin url