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Re: New Yamaha looping/delay device

Wait, I'm a bit in the dark on this one.  The Harmony Central article 
wasn't clear to say the least.  Will this thing do time based delays 
and modulation based on a midi clock? (note I didn't say "synched") 
and WILL it synch it's loop via midi?  One of the things I like the 
most about the Electrix Mo-FX is that as soon as it gets clock, it's 

>Tardy sez:
>I suppose for those just
>looking for a "DL4 with user presets and MIDI", this
>will be a
>disappointingly user-unfriendly device.  For those
>looking for lots of
>tweaking and knob-twiddling potential, I suppose this
>box will be of serious
>interest.  Either way, there seem to be some
>interesting concepts at work.
>Whoa.  You're not kidding.  I downloaded the manual
>and had a brief look myself, and I'm psyched.  If you
>like the Vortex, you'll probably love this thing.  A
>few sample apps I thought of:
>-Set parallel delays tapped at 40% and 80%, with no
>feedback.  Get yer 4/4 rhythm going, tap yer tempo,
>count off a 5-count over the four, and play notes on 1
>and 2.  The UD will fill in notes on 3, 4, 5, and 1.
>This works for other odd (and normal) meters as well,
>and you can chunk a couple of delays together if the
>700 msec single line is not sufficient for your tempo.
>  Takes a little more math than the Korg DL8000 or the
>D-Two, but neither of those fit in yer pedalboard. =)
>-Set parallel or cascading infinite delay lines, pan
>them independently, modulate some, and turn the inputs
>on and off selectively.  Sweet for evolving ambient
>-I think you can run an infinite delay (or more than
>1) and a sampled phrase simultaneously.
>-Not sure from reading the manual, but the UD may be
>smart enough to run asynchronous loops in phrase
>sample mode.  We may have to try it to be sure.
>Note: everything that I described above can be done
>WITHOUT MIDI, using the on-board switches.  Obviously
>control gets much deeper if you add a pedalboard, or
>even just a CC pedal.  I could have a lot of fun with
>this in the effects loop of my Repeater....  Release
>date: February; estimated street price (based on the
>AG Stomp): $400.
>Drool on,
>Scott Martin
>You can't make me think like you, mundane
>Do You Yahoo!?
>Great stuff seeking new owners in Yahoo! Auctions!