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Adding effects to a loop (was Re: Electrix/IVL petition)

On Friday, July 5, 2002, at 01:43  AM, Stuart Wyatt wrote:

> . I dont believe in adding effects to pre-recorded loops, or altering 
> them in any way afterwards. Its a kind of personal philosophy that I 
> have.... the music should be performed as it is played... If it cant be 
> played live, then it should not be played at all. If I want to pitch 
> shift, I route the violin through an effects unit prior to the loop 
> being recorded.

Not trying to knock your philosophy, but you say, "I dont believe in 
adding effects to pre-recorded loops, or altering them in any way 
afterwards..."  Well, in a sense, aren't all loops pre-recorded?  Or do 
you, like myself, draw a line between loops that you're making during a 
performance (not pre recorded) and loops made prior to the performance?  
Here's why I ask.  Adding effects via the Repeater's simple, yet 
brilliant, effects loop will alter your loop without changing what you 
played.  Because you're improvising what you're putting into the loop (I 
believe you said you were in a previous post, correct me if I'm wrong), 
you've got no choice but to be influenced to play somewhat differently 
based on what you already hear in the loop, which is *not exactly what 
you played*.  Then you take off the effect, and now you've got a loop 
that was created with a set of variables that is no longer there.  So 
you keep adding, based on that.

It's just an interesting and fun way to work with live loops, IMO.  That 
added little chaos is a nice element, especially when looping alone.

On the other hand, sometimes I don't do this at all, and just play 
straight into the loop.  Both techniques are valid.

Mark Sottilaro