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Re: Adding effects to a loop (was Re: Electrix/IVL petition)

On Friday, July 5, 2002, at 05:57 PM, Mark Sottilaro wrote:

> Not trying to knock your philosophy,

I was not trying to knock anyone else's philosophy either :) , just 
trying to explain how my head works (at least for the moment).

> but you say, "I dont believe in adding effects to pre-recorded loops, 
> or altering them in any way afterwards..."  Well, in a sense, aren't 
> all loops pre-recorded?

Er... I should type slower, and think more when I write.... I see 
ambiguity in what I wrote... :(

> Or do you, like myself, draw a line between loops that you're making 
> during a performance (not pre recorded) and loops made prior to the 
> performance?

I draw the line at using anything pre-recorded. Everything that I use 
loop wise is recorded live during the performance.

>  Here's why I ask.  Adding effects via the Repeater's simple, yet 
> brilliant, effects loop will alter your loop without changing what you 
> played.  Because you're improvising what you're putting into the loop 
> (I believe you said you were in a previous post, correct me if I'm 
> wrong), you've got no choice but to be influenced to play somewhat 
> differently based on what you already hear in the loop, which is *not 
> exactly what you played*.  Then you take off the effect, and now you've 
> got a loop that was created with a set of variables that is no longer 
> there.  So you keep adding, based on that.

I understand what you are trying to say. For me, just using my electric 
violin with a clean sound, and one looping device (DL4) gives me an 
almost infinite amount of options when I come to 'paint' on the looping 
canvas. I've tried adding effects, playing around with the sounds after 
they are recorded etc. etc., but it just does not feel right. It overly 
complicates something that is so purely simple... maybe pollutes is the 
correct word... I dont know. Maybe a parallel can be drawn with Django 
Rheinhardt (not sic - cant be bothered to look it up) - he was able to 
produce amazing things on the guitar using just two fingers and a thumb 
that people with 5 fingers cannot play. By keeping it simple in my setup 
and rules, it allows me a greater freedom than if I had rack after rack 
of synchronised effects units....

Am I making sense?

> It's just an interesting and fun way to work with live loops, IMO.  
> That added little chaos is a nice element, especially when looping 
> alone.

True. I've heard what other loopers on this list do with their music, 
and it works for them.... sadly, it just does not work for me.

Gotta go... I have my first night tonight playing with an 
improvisational theatre group... and I've just realised I'm cutting it 
fine if I'm going to get there on time.

Later ;)

Stuart Wyatt - Solo String Project