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Audio interfaces

I'm looking for the going opinions on a couple of audio interfaces.  I've
got a new G4 iMac (800Mhz, 512Mb RAM) and recently ditched my old PC on
which I did all of my recording.  So now I need an audio interface.  I've
got cash burning a hole in my pocket.  =)

I've can get a used MOTU 828 for about the same price (or less) as a new
Tascam US-428.  So let's pretend price isn't a factor.  Here are my 
so far...

The Tascam looks cool, and I like the tactile controls for mixing.  
I'm concerned about latency.  I'm NOT a recording genius, so if I don't 
to mess with control panels/drivers/trial and error to deal with possible
latency issues, I'll be happy.  Plus I don't do anything with MIDI - it 
confuses me.  So that's extra functionality I won't need.  BUT it has OS X
drivers available, which is my primary OS.

The MOTU 828 by its very nature would be less likely to have latency 
but I can't find any information regarding its compatibility (or planned
compatibility) with OS X.  Anyone know anything about that?

Portability:  I plan on using these for recording gigs as well, but I don't
have a rack case.  I have a mixer with its own case, but no room for
additional rack units.  I'd like to upgrade to a better road case, which
would allow the MOTU unit to fit in.  Plus I would just feel better lugging
the MOTU around in a case than an unprotected Tascam unit sitting on the
seat of my car or some such.

What are your thoughts?  If you have experience with these units, I'd love
to hear pros and cons.


on 7/17/02 11:31 PM, Gary Lehmann at healthquestrecruiter@earthlink.net 
somethin' like:

> Hoo boy--it gets weirder--
> I just used Raymond (thank you Sean!!!) to write the DirectMIDI patches 
> the PMC-10--haven't gotten too far (haven't actually recorded/listened to
> any audio using the pedal, just pressed buttons and watched colourful
> lights) but one thing I notice--
> The record/multiply/insert thingie works with DirectMIDI!
> So if I just HAVE to do the blues I can use these commands.
> Sorry if I seemed ungrateful or hysterical previously . . .
> Gary