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Re: Audio interfaces

hi mike

I have a MOTU 828: a very good product under many aspects.

I don't know nothing about compatibility with OSX. I use 9 on all my Macs.
Wich audio-sequencer software would you use with it?

I don't think that DP3 is running on OSX. Not yet, at least,
and, since I use the 828 with DP3, I don't know nothing about the 
ASIO drive for the 828.
But I assume that the 828 is working much better with DP and MOTU 
resident drive.

Above all there's another issue you should consider. MOTU 828 and 
Tascam US-428 are not comparable. The USB is much slower so with the 
U-428 you can record just two tracks simultaneously. The MOTU can 
record up to 8. This make a big difference, don't you think...?

anyhow I've seen that MOTU and Mackie have just announced a new 
controller for DP3

check this url
don't know about prices.
Could be a perfect upgrade for a system based on one or more 828!


>I'm looking for the going opinions on a couple of audio interfaces.  I've
>got a new G4 iMac (800Mhz, 512Mb RAM) and recently ditched my old PC on
>which I did all of my recording.  So now I need an audio interface.  I've
>got cash burning a hole in my pocket.  =)
>I've can get a used MOTU 828 for about the same price (or less) as a new
>Tascam US-428.  So let's pretend price isn't a factor.  Here are my 
>so far...
>The Tascam looks cool, and I like the tactile controls for mixing.  
>I'm concerned about latency.  I'm NOT a recording genius, so if I don't 
>to mess with control panels/drivers/trial and error to deal with possible
>latency issues, I'll be happy.  Plus I don't do anything with MIDI - it 
>confuses me.  So that's extra functionality I won't need.  BUT it has OS X
>drivers available, which is my primary OS.
>The MOTU 828 by its very nature would be less likely to have latency 
>but I can't find any information regarding its compatibility (or planned
>compatibility) with OS X.  Anyone know anything about that?
>Portability:  I plan on using these for recording gigs as well, but I 
>have a rack case.  I have a mixer with its own case, but no room for
>additional rack units.  I'd like to upgrade to a better road case, which
>would allow the MOTU unit to fit in.  Plus I would just feel better 
>the MOTU around in a case than an unprotected Tascam unit sitting on the
>seat of my car or some such.
>What are your thoughts?  If you have experience with these units, I'd love
>to hear pros and cons.
>on 7/17/02 11:31 PM, Gary Lehmann at healthquestrecruiter@earthlink.net 
>somethin' like:
>>  Hoo boy--it gets weirder--
>>  I just used Raymond (thank you Sean!!!) to write the DirectMIDI 
>patches for
>>  the PMC-10--haven't gotten too far (haven't actually recorded/listened 
>>  any audio using the pedal, just pressed buttons and watched colourful
>>  lights) but one thing I notice--
>>  The record/multiply/insert thingie works with DirectMIDI!
>>  So if I just HAVE to do the blues I can use these commands.
>>  Sorry if I seemed ungrateful or hysterical previously . . .
>>  Gary