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OT: Intonarumori Review in the Wire

Hey my CDs got reviewed in the July issue of the Wire!

Intonarumori - "Intonarumori" and Intonarumori - "Material"
Noise machinery unpacked in Settle via the absolutist past of futurist 
klang (Intonarumori = "noise intoners" = "machines build to mimic 
industrial sounds") through the flexible fingers of Kevin Goldsmith, whose 
suitably alchemisty name proves to be no dissapointment.  The 
"industrial"/futurist clue is a dead hearing, because this is far richer 
work, ghostlier, more freeform.  (Echoes of Nurse With Wound in the light 
touch, and low key humour and pert use of sampled vox.)  Goldsmith is 
primarily a cellist (maniuplator of cells?), but his variegated scrapes 
straddle old-skool improv and nu-school electronica, modest except in 
inventiveness, somehow very likeable and surprisingly touching; a real 


Kevin Goldsmith                          kevin@unitcircle.com
Unit Circle Media                   http://www.unitcircle.com