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Need help Getting Anatek Pocket Pedal to work midi volume w/EDP

Hi all, I have a Pocket pedal, want to use it and a CV pedal with EDP.
(loop III ver 5.)

When hooking it up to in and out of EDP, it missbehaves as if it's
getting in a feedback loop with the same data. Sometimes the EDP locks
up (won't record)(sometimes in this state the EDP goes into next
loop/multiplywith just a press of "record") and the PPedal's light goes
out meaning it needs a reset. 

Sometimes the Ppedal doesn't need the reset but the EDP sounds super
grainy and very distorted.

The PP works if I hook another midi device to it's midi in to give it
the power it needs, this however goes against my setup desire to to have
only the EDP as the only midi device. This takes the EDP out of a
possible feedback loop which is what I believe is the problem. 

I have midi footpedals but I am using a large pedal board and wanted not
to have another midi pedal board on the ground.

How can I get the EDP to "power" my Ppedal and also "recieve" the midi
vol messages I need? Is there a way to turn off the midi tranmision of
data from the EDP??
Or, is there a way to modify a midi cable to carry only the phantom
power on pins 5 & 3  and not to carry other messages out?( I tried
breaking off pins other than 5 & 3 , but then it wouldn't power the

Any Ideas? I would figure the getting the EDP to not send out data would
be the easiest but don't know how. 

Would loop IV do this? I 'd rather not spend the cash on it as I haven't
reallly seen how I'd use the features in LoopIV.

Any help would be appreciated :-)

