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Re: Need help Getting Anatek Pocket Pedal to work midi volume w/EDP

At 11:06 AM 9/28/2002, Kevin L. Breshears wrote:
>Hi all, I have a Pocket pedal, want to use it and a CV pedal with EDP.
>(loop III ver 5.)
>When hooking it up to in and out of EDP, it missbehaves as if it's
>getting in a feedback loop with the same data. Sometimes the EDP locks
>up (won't record)(sometimes in this state the EDP goes into next
>loop/multiplywith just a press of "record") and the PPedal's light goes
>out meaning it needs a reset.

yes, it sounds like you are creating a midi infinite-loop. Why do you need 
to connect to the midi-out of the EDP? is that for powering the pocket 
pedal by sucking power off the midi interface?

It sounds like the pocket pedal just sends everything at the midi in 
directly to the out, so connecting it to both the midi in and midi out of 
the same device definitely risks this sort of infinite-loop problem.

>How can I get the EDP to "power" my Ppedal and also "recieve" the midi
>vol messages I need? Is there a way to turn off the midi tranmision of
>data from the EDP??

no, when midi is on it is on for both in and out, so you can't break the 
loop that way.

>Or, is there a way to modify a midi cable to carry only the phantom
>power on pins 5 & 3  and not to carry other messages out?( I tried
>breaking off pins other than 5 & 3 , but then it wouldn't power the

yes, that is simple, and probably your best solution. You should only be 
cutting one line off the cable, the one that carries the data out. The pin 
with +5V and the pin with ground you want to be sure to keep. I'm not sure 
how you are numbering the pins, but anyway, looking into the end of the 
cable, the pins are:

     /             \
    /               \
   | (NC)       (NC) |
    \  (5V)  (dat)  /

cut off the data pin and I think it would work to supply power only.


Kim Flint                     | Looper's Delight
kflint@loopers-delight.com    | http://www.loopers-delight.com