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RE: Loopfest - the opaque veil of technology

>In my own music creations, I take great satisfaction in the refinement
>of it.  The notion that mistakes are allowed (maybe even encouraged?) is
>tough for me.  Even though I too have a grad degree, my approach
>probably has more to do with who I am than what my own particular
The conservatory system places an emphasis on "correctness" in playing.  
Many of my music school compatriots are afraid of improvisation since it 
might mean playing an incorrect note.  This is understandable to an 
extent, because one of the major components of a symphony audition is a 
precise and correct rendering of the music on the page.  I was just lucky 
that I had a lot of experience in improvisation before I started formal 
training, it helped me avoid that pitfall.  (studying a lot of composition 
was important too)

The beauty of improvisation (IMHO) is that there is no such thing as a 
mistake, it's just a motivation into a new direction :)

If you make a mistake, repeat it so everyone knows you meant it that way!


Kevin Goldsmith                          kevin@unitcircle.com
Unit Circle Media                   http://www.unitcircle.com
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