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OT: Re: crazy religious types

on 1/23/03 12:00 PM, Evan Meyers at evanmeyers@yahoo.com wrote:

> as a new yorker i can assure you that there was
> nothing at all funny about september 11th...and there
> will never be anything funny about it.

I respect your view, but for me there's something very "funny" about the
whole thing: like who stood to gain the most from this. Hint: whom has
gained the most from this? The Muslims and Arabs here or abroad?
Afghanistan? The Taliban?

or would it be Israel and the weapons and oil industry tycoons here, weary
of the near scandal over the contrived fanciful "energy crisis" they
orchestrated to rob us, and get us to a place where we say "Sure" to 
power or conquesting other coutnries to get their toil, leary of bush's
first acts after "taking" office to include lifting restrictions on Alaska
Oil Drilling for his buddies?, as we all learn to worship "people in
uniforms" display plastic flags and welcome the erosion of freedoms
generations of actual america patriots gave their all to secure and 
beause some square-jaw on  fox news tells us it will make things better for





