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Re: Frippertronics and Soundscapes

>>>Are we talking about the same Fripp?

     Yes indeed, though you seem to carry a lot of bitterness after all 
these years.  I'm truly
sorry to hear it.  I hope that somehow you were also able to carry some 
good things away from your
time with him as well.  I currently am involved with many of the people 
who were there with you at
that time and not one of them seems to carry such a heavy burden on their 

<<<When I played with him he didn't have a drop of
compassion in him.

     ...that you could perceive.  I know more people who would agree with 
you than who would agree
with me.  Does that make one view more valid than another?  I don't mean 
to start a pissing
contest here.  I am no more right than you, nor are you more right than 
me.  I know Robert to be
one of the most compassionate people I have ever met, and no I am not 
starstruck.  That you know
him to be otherwise is your experience.  It is your truth.  Perhaps 
hearing about an experience
that is different than your is beneficial, perhaps not.  I apologize if 
offense is found in any of
my words.

     Actually, this started out as a conversation about Frippertronics and 
Soundscaping.  I would
agree with previous posters that "A Blessing of Tears" is one of his most 
approachable CD's of
Soundscaping, though for my money, "The Gates of Paradise" and 
"Radiophonics" are the ones that I
can relate to the most.  Sometimes I find his Soundscaping to be lost 
within the mires of
post-production, (show me someone who doesn't fall prey to that every once 
in a while), yet for
the most part, they are among the most treasured CD's I own.

     With respect,


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