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Re: Frippertronics and Soundscapes

I carry no burden at all my friend. 

It's been many years. I just stated what I saw back
then. He may have changed.  

I saw Sting blow his nose on a handkerchief and give
it to a girl who had asked him for an autograph. 
I didn't think that was an appropriate way to treat
his fans either. She started crying and ran off. 

I found no offense at all in your words. In fact I
think what you do is wonderful. I took care of a dying
aunt with the help of someone like you. I find beauty
in much of his music as well.

Thanks for the tip on the recordings. I'll check out
Blessing Of Tears.

All the very best!

> Actually, this started out as a conversation
> about Frippertronics and Soundscaping.  I would
> agree with previous posters that "A Blessing of
> Tears" is one of his most approachable CD's of
> Soundscaping, though for my money, "The Gates of
> Paradise" and "Radiophonics" are the ones that I
> can relate to the most. 
>      With respect,
>             Stephen

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