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Re: looping up the wall...

> Getting angry won't help.

I'm not angry as much as depressed. Is >not< getting angry going to help? 

> I've been slaving my EDP to MIDI sync exclusively for the past few years,
> with no trouble.  Jon makes a good point - are you leaving overdub open
> long periods of time?

I'm trying to use it for feedback based looping, as opposed to recording
something and then having go on, endlessly, which is kind of pointless, if
you are trying to make music with loops. Though it's all I had tried to 

I just recovered a message from Kim that explained the lack of synch
completely, a long time ago. It didn't register, because I'm a stupid git.

> I don't quite remember the details regarding endless overdubs (I 
> only overdub short passages), but I do remember hearing that in Loop mode
> you need to take it out of overdub periodically.  Maybe in Delay mode you
> don't (?) - I can't quite remember

It has a whole load of jaw-dropping, amazing features that are completely
useless, since you can't use them for any kind of performance that will
synchronize to anything else. It's a noodling tool.


http://www.groovetronica.com - "The beats are ok, I suppose, but the vocals
sound like the vintage jazz singers from my dad's record collection. It's
not for me."

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Hans Lindauer" <armatronix2003@sbcglobal.net>
To: <Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com>
Sent: Friday, August 01, 2003 4:39 PM
Subject: Re: looping up the wall...

> Getting angry won't help.
> I've been slaving my EDP to MIDI sync exclusively for the past few years,
> with no trouble.  Jon makes a good point - are you leaving overdub open
> long periods of time?
> I don't quite remember the details regarding endless overdubs (I 
> only overdub short passages), but I do remember hearing that in Loop mode
> you need to take it out of overdub periodically.  Maybe in Delay mode you
> don't (?) - I can't quite remember.
> You just need to punch out and then back into overdub during a silent
> every so often.
> Breathe deeply,
> -Hans
> At 16:08 01/08/2003, you wrote:
> > > I only use sync out - BUT I remember some mumbo-jumbo a while back
> >how
> > > the EDP doesn't actively sync while overdubbing past the loop point 
> > > certain other special cases (certain feedback settings) - because the
> >it
> > > syncs to incoming clock is by adding or omitting +/- 50msec of audio
> >the
> > > loop point rather than time stretching the audio which it can't 
> > > anyway.  I think the idea is so that your overdub isn't polluted at
> >loop
> > > point due to a sync action.
> >
> >That makes sense.
> >
> >However, it means that midi synch is totally useless, and I've managed 
> >waste a great deal of time over the last couple of years trying to get
> >box to work and blaming myself, my cables and everything else.
> >
> >I'm in a really, really bad mood.
> >
> >bIz