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Re: Ebay (Was Re: Selecting vendors)

In general, you're better off waiting not only until gear is released in 
the US, but until it has been out for a while, the bugs are fixed or at 
least known, and prices start to come down.
BTW, if you want DX-7 style FM synthesis, pick up a DX200. For under 
$200, it has the DX-7 engine and is even compatible with the existing 
DX-7 library. But it also has knobs, an analog style filter, effects, 
and a sequencer.

Jeff Shirkey wrote:

>> If you're talking about technical assistance, you will get much 
>> better support from other users on the internet than you ever will 
>> from Yamaha.
> Yes, I know...motifator.com is at the top of that list. But when all 
> was said and done, I was scared into backing out. There were other 
> concerns they planted in my head too: What if the OS isn't the most 
> recent one and has bugs in it? What if it's a demo model...those still 
> had bugs to work out also. So on and so forth...
> So, what I'm hearing is that some of you, if you were in my shoes, may 
> have just said hell with it and stuck it out? Believe me, that free 
> PLG board was tempting! It was the DX-7 FM Synthesis board, which is 
> the one I want. :)
> Jeff