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RE: Mystery virus? (was Re: Approved)

Coupla observations that might be helpful in solving
this one:

I'm noticing that the supposed senders are showing up
as addresses only, not as the selected outgoing name.
(For example, a legit message from Rick Walker says
it's from 'Rick Walker/looP.Pool', while the
objectionable one just says it's from his email
address.) I noticed this for mine as well, and (I
think) Steve Lawson's. Webcrawler???

I don't use Outlook.

I don't use an address book.

My VShield is enabled and hasn't detected anything

When I said I received messages with attachments, I
actually meant I received messages with attachment
ICONS; since I didn't attempt to open them, I'm not
sure if the attachments actually made it through.

I got an automated reply message from the New York
Times; I've never sent anything to the New York Times.

I got a returned mail/mailbox full message regarding
the mailbox of someone named McKay (I believe it was;
deleted it so I can't check) also to whom I've never


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