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Re: Echoplex DP instant replay


the last time I saw Bob Fripp he had a stack of TC 2290 delays but, to my
surprise, no EDPs, Jam Men or similar devices. I´ve never worked with these
2290s but they might do the "instant playback" thingie, being digital delay
lines in the first place. The problem about the 2290 is, I think, that 
it´s hard
to upgrade them to maximum memory of 64 (?) secondsbecause the upgrades are
no longer available. I´m quite sure that anyone who owns a fully loaded 
will not part with it, neither for love nor for cash. All in all I think 
units, EDP and 2290, do their job well but they were designed with 
ideas in mind, the 2290 being a full-blown digital delay line with all the
bells and whistles you´d expect from such a high-end device while the 
was more aimed at doing the loop and phrase playback routine (I hope I´m 
stepping on anybody´s toes by saying so?). There are certainly areas where
both would do the same thing but at some points two roads will diverge to
different directions 8).


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "kam6" <kam6@inregina.com>
To: <Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com>
Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2003 12:59 AM
Subject: Echoplex DP instant replay

> Hello - I have an EDP whiteface which I bought about 2 years ago. The
> I have is that I haven't found an "instant replay", on its loopmaking 
> capabilities. I explain:
> With a regular delay, we hit the note and replay immediately starts,
> based on the feedback amount and the ms/sec amount of delay available. On
> EDP, we have to first hit "record", play the note, then hit "record"
> and only then the loop replay starts.
> The above on the EDP causes a hassle. If I'm swelling notes with a 
> pedal and only one foot is available, I have to actually stop the action
> the pedal in order to hit the "record" button again. This creates a gap 
> performance.
> On the King Crimson video "Three Of A Perfect Pair - Live In Japan" of
> we can see Robert Fripp starting the show with a looping sequence. Fripp
> just swelling notes and they get instantly recorded and replayed. Then 
> starts soloing atop of the loop. There are no gaps in his performance - 
> whatever unit he is using has that "instant replay" capability (16-sec
> This is the type of looping I want to get with the EDP, without hitting
> "record" button twice.
> Does anybody know if the EDP can do the above "instant replay"? Does it
> any "infinite" mode? If not, which unit can do this? Thanks in advance.
> Carlos Najar
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