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Re: California Guitar Trio and Tony Levin w. TG (gig spam)

For anyone interested, he used a DIgitech PDS8000 for this for a long time as well, though I am sure taht has been covered......
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, August 14, 2004 4:54 PM
Subject: Re: California Guitar Trio and Tony Levin w. TG (gig spam)

Hi Dave (and all),

You're right... Paul Richards has used various pedals (Line 6 most recently) for looped ebow bits on a few songs.. off the top of my head I know Punta Patri and Kanon Power. We actually did a few soundscape type things together on shows awhile back. It was a blast as he's such a good musician.

Incidentily for the curious.. Bert Lams of the CGT actually had a project last year where he took some of Robert Fripp's recorded soundscapes and turned them into arrangements for orchestra and choir. I know they did some performances somewhere in Europe. anybody catch that?

You may be happy to know that Jerry Marotta is also a Repeater owner. We have a band album recorded (not yet released) with lots of overdubbed drum and percussion and Stick parts. Jerry keeps saying he's going to "get his Repeater chops up" to deal with some of the tunes live.


On Aug 14, 2004, at 12:35 PM, hazard factor wrote:

I know the CGT use a DL4 for some Ebow looping- maybe you can turn them on (and Tony Levin) to the Repeater and discuss the EDP with them too- we need more high profile artists using this stuff.

Tom Griesgraber