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RE: EDP displays n id

At 03:02 PM 8/29/2004, Tom Rex wrote:
>I was trying to sync to an external midi clock, using the instructions in
>example 4.1.
>The master is a synth, playing several layered arpegiated patches, like a
>bass line, an electronic piano, and it plays for awhile, after it's
>recorded, and then stops.  It might just me an overload?

Most likely there is some problem related to that midi stream. The synth 
may be sending a lot of stuff other than the clock. The echoplex should 
ignore stuff not meant for it, so there is still some problem. Maybe the 
synth sends some spurious data, or something is nor formatted right, hard 
to tell. If all you need from that midi stream is the clock, you might be 
able to set up the synth to only send clock and nothing else. Or get some 
external filter box to filter everything else out.

If you use a PC, the midi-ox program is a great way to check midi data and 
debug problems like this.


Kim Flint                     | Looper's Delight
kflint@loopers-delight.com    | http://www.loopers-delight.com