Hiya Ted Per's explanation of my "blind plug" is exactly right - I just took an old patch cable with a 1/4 inch plug and deprived it from its sight (soldered off the visual nerves) to finally plug it into the FEEDBACK (not the volume) socket. Praise the good old EDP for it's own blindness - 'cause he (she?) thinks: Oh, a feedback pedal is being inserted from behind. And what it (she, he? - damn!) does: If you are using the modes where you can choose between Knob and Pedal settings (Long Multiply in Stutter Mode for example) you can switch between the Knob setting (say 50 per cent) and 100 per cent if you leave the contacts within the blind plug open - 0 per cent if you choose to close it respectively (or both options if you are using a momentary switch foot pedal instead of a blind plug) Hope this helps Phil