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Re: blind plug (was: unrounded multiply question/praise the edp)

>If you are using the modes where you can choose between Knob and 
>Pedal settings (Long Multiply in Stutter Mode for example) you can 
>switch between the Knob setting (say 50 per cent) and 100 per cent 
>if you leave the contacts within the blind plug open - 0 per cent if 
>you choose to close it respectively (or both options if you are 
>using a momentary switch foot pedal instead of a blind plug)

Hi, I'm an idiot! :-)

Sorry, I just had to get that out of the way.  I've been biting my 
tongue since the "Jack" discussion: "So, uh, you don't know Jack?"

Anyway, I don't understand your explanation.  Could you elaborate?


The Nettles: Progressive and Exciting Celtic Music