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Re: pre loop prep

Scary Visionary
I can empathize with this as an idea. I remember having so many moments of gigantic realization and connectedness whilst ingesting various substances. However, they didn't allow me to function and do the mundane things like pay the mortgage and other bills, be a responsible and connected son and most of all  a good boyfriend/husband/partner. It made me really disconnected from the world. I would love to find some way of replicating those feelings of listening to Daniel Lanois' Acadie and being altered on some perfectly lovely hydroponic/Godiva brownies whilst watching a meteor shower. But that ain't gonna happen and me still be able to keep a job and my wife happy. I respect that way of getting to dance with the muse however. I've no philosophical problem with it. Does it allow you to connect with others on a higher spiritual/emotional plain? Just wondering.

-----Original Message-----
From: daniel stevenson
Sent: Mar 17, 2006 10:13 AM
To: loopers-delight@loopers-delight.com
Subject: pre loop prep

this may be a sad fact...but if i dont smoke like a hobbit my music suffers.it may be im too in touch with reality when not slightly "altered".and a few times a year for something special...."shrooms"takes the music to a level of vision quest proportions.
this is not an endorsement of abuse.it may be the clouded perspective of a damaged mind.i believe these things help my expression.
                                      keep marc emery free.
                                                                      scary visionary

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