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Re: Comparison chart of looping devices published

Oops, disregard my last post... though I still stand
on the defination Per's using.

--- Wyatt <gunfight@theokcorral.net> wrote:

> radiaL allows for live recording into a loop buffer,
> and overdub 
> recording. No undo. Once a loop is recorded you can
> slice and dice it, 
> pitch/length change independently, apply a bunch of
> effects etc. radiaL 
> will sync to MIDI.
> You are right to a certain extent. radiaL was not
> originally conceived 
> completely as a live looping tool. This
> functionality has been slowly 
> added. I think that it would be accurate to say that
> the live looping 
> functionality in radiaL is not presented as its
> primary strength, yet it 
> exists, to a certain degree.
> This simply by way of setting the record straight.
> In the interests of 
> full disclosure - I work for Cycling '74 and one of
> my current projects 
> is the ongoing maintenance and development of
> radiaL.
> Cheers
> Andrew

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