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Re: where should i go next? (looper question)

--- Charlie Milkey <pilotcp@gmail.com> wrote:

> is there a way to get rid of that click? i have
> heard other people
> talk about that as well...

Ah the JamMan click.  I'd only get it at random times
and I never could figure out why sometime and not
others.  Totally intermittent.  It has something to do
with the stability of your midi clock, but at the time
I was using it my only clock source was an Ensoniq

Most of the times I could just ignore it, especially
if there was a lot going on in the loop it would just
get buried.  It was really only an issue if you were
doing a pad like ambient wash.

People also complain about the Repeater's "bump". 
There's a slight volume bump at the start of a loop. 
I can find it if I purposely look for it, so I don't. 
Really I never think about it until conversations like
this come up.


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