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Embarassing Pictures from Early History

Okay, loopers,  I have a fun, frivolous and  dorky thread to propose:

Who's got the courage to upload truly dorky
pictures or band photos from their past?

I'll start it off with this picture.   They'll force me to view it over 
in hell when I die, I'm sure.


This is me on the way to a gig with my glam band at the time.
It's 1973 and I wonder if I was ever that slender in my 
I was playing a huge Ludwig clear vistalite drum kit at the 
as hard as I could possibly hit.   We were doing Bowie covers;  Mott the 
Roxy Music and others.   I imagine we were probably terrible but I can't 
for reasons we won't go into here............lol.

I'm standing at the top of the stairs in my college dorm room at Cowell 
College at UCSC,
a confused sophmore still afraid to follow his heart's desire and break 
his parents
wishes for a higher education.

A few hours after this was shot,    a police car ran a red light in East 
Side San Jose
without putting his siren on and we rammed him broadside going about 30 
miles an hour,
completely  totalling the '71 Chevy Vega I was driving.

It was the cops fault and he turned red in the face and refused to even 
to us as I stood
there with my sexy blonde girlfriend, Julie Bernucci on the side of the 
people gawking at us. We were both dolled up with makeup for my glam gig 
which I never made
because the cop purposefully kept us there for close to an hour and a half 
slowly and passively aggressively
filling out his paper work.

A hilarious day that I"ll never forget.


Okay,  I took the plunge.........................now you folks have the 
courage and send 'em in!!!!