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Re: Embarassing Pictures from Early History

That is great, Rick!!  :)

Now that we're sharing....here's my glam shot....back when my hair wasn't 



----- Original Message ----- 
From: "loop.pool" <looppool@cruzio.com>
To: "LOOPERS DELIGHT (posting)" <Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com>
Sent: Tuesday, June 06, 2006 6:13 AM
Subject: Embarassing Pictures from Early History

> Okay, loopers,  I have a fun, frivolous and  dorky thread to propose:
> Who's got the courage to upload truly dorky
> pictures or band photos from their past?
> I'll start it off with this picture.   They'll force me to view it over 
> and over
> in hell when I die, I'm sure.
> www.looppool.info/GlamBoy73/
> This is me on the way to a gig with my glam band at the time.
> It's 1973 and I wonder if I was ever that slender in my 
> life.............lol.
> I was playing a huge Ludwig clear vistalite drum kit at the 
> time............hitting
> as hard as I could possibly hit.   We were doing Bowie covers;  Mott the 
> Hoople;
> Roxy Music and others.   I imagine we were probably terrible but I can't 
> remember
> for reasons we won't go into here............lol.
> I'm standing at the top of the stairs in my college dorm room at Cowell 
> College at UCSC,
> a confused sophmore still afraid to follow his heart's desire and break 
> with his parents
> wishes for a higher education.
> A few hours after this was shot,    a police car ran a red light in East 
> Side San Jose
> without putting his siren on and we rammed him broadside going about 30 
> miles an hour,
> completely  totalling the '71 Chevy Vega I was driving.
> It was the cops fault and he turned red in the face and refused to even 
> talk to us as I stood
> there with my sexy blonde girlfriend, Julie Bernucci on the side of the 
> road with
> people gawking at us. We were both dolled up with makeup for my glam gig 
> which I never made
> because the cop purposefully kept us there for close to an hour and a 
> slowly and passively aggressively
> filling out his paper work.
> A hilarious day that I"ll never forget.
> ***************
> Okay,  I took the plunge.........................now you folks have the 
> courage and send 'em in!!!!