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Re: Re: RC-50 vs. Repeater?

Hi Mark & all

Overall, I'd really be interested to know if everybody shares the opinion 
that the Repeater is really superior to the RC-50 in all aspects (except 
maybe loop length)?

what I want to do is - among others - the following:
I want to start playing some polyrhythmic stuff (say 13/8) and loop it - 
without thinking about meter & tapping.
Then, I want to overdub _and_ record parallel loops in perfect sync.
For the second loop, I don't mind setting parameters manually to that of 
the first (if tempo sync sounds garbled like with the RC-50) - does that 
work with the RC-50?

Another thing I want to do:
After I've recorded several parallel loops, say Part A, I want to record 
another part, maybe in another meter/tempo.
Again, I don't mind that the RC-50 stops when writing Phrase to memory (I 
will resample all and play it on another looper then). Important is, once 
I have the various Phrases set (say Part A-B-C), I'm able to switch 
between them on the fly to improvise on them - does the Electrix Repeater 
do that?

> Repeater with a 256 meg card is PLENTY.  If you need
> more get yourself a computer.
I do have computer with Firewire card and btw also a multitracker with 
64GB hard-disk. Still, especially for jazz music with lengthy 
progressions, I'd like to be able to have loops of several minutes length. 
256MB sounds ok, but I thought the Repeater had only 8MB internal memory, 
can you use the full CF card for live playing?

So, is the Repeater really overall superior to RC-50 in all aspects? What 
do you think?

Best regards


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