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RE: Re: RC-50 vs. Repeater?

Am I not understanding the question?  Does on the fly
mean instantly?  I don't think there's a way to do it
instantly with one pedel push.  You can initiate a new
loop record by selecting an empty loop and then
hitting record.  It it a second time and it will
instantly start recording (or playing if something's
there and you hit play)

I always like my loops quantized so I never want an
instant loop play/rec.

Maybe you can program the fcb1010 to do a cc record
and a pc record message in one button press.  I've
never tried it.  I tried a double track select-record
program and it didn't work.

--- William Walker <billwalker@baymoon.com> wrote:

> Mark, I've never attempted to do this with my RPTR,
> and I think I understand
> theoretically how to do it by doubling up midi
> commands on one pedal, care
> to elaborate, I thought I knew all the RPTR tricks,
> now I feel like an old
> dog :)
> Bill
> -----Original Message-----
> From: mark sottilaro
> [mailto:zerocrossing2001@yahoo.com]
> Sent: Friday, June 09, 2006 10:08 AM
> To: Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com
> Subject: Re: Re: RC-50 vs. Repeater?
> --- Buzap Buzap <buzap@gmx.net> wrote:
> > Important is, once
> > I have the various Phrases set (say Part A-B-C),
> I'm
> > able to switch between them on the fly to
> improvise
> > on them - does the Electrix Repeater do that?
> Yup, it sure does.
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