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Re: Way OT: EM fingers!

I cut my left hand pinky once with a hunting knife. 
Right down to the bone starting at the top and ending
down near the first knuckle.  FUN!

I didn't play for nearly a year.  I'm sure I probably
could have but I think I lapsed into a bit of a
depression/fear of it.  It took years to get full
feeling from it, but there was 80% fairly early.  My
doctor told me I'd never play the paino again and he
was right.  Luckily, I never had before the injury so
it wasn't much of a loss. ;)

I can't say you'll have the same experience, but don't
let yourself get mentally held back by your injury. 
Work through the pain.  I'm sorry I didn't.


> > [Original Message]
> > From: Stephen Goodman <spgoodman@earthlight.net>
> > To: <Loopers-Delight@loopers-delight.com>
> > Date: 6/13/2006 4:41:33 AM
> > Subject: Re: Way OT: EM fingers!
> >
> > I stupidly crushed the end of my
> left middle finger
> between 
> > two big flagstones around 3 weeks ago, splitting
> the end like a melon.

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