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Re: In trouble now...

Ha!  Well, fortunately for me she was in a great mood when I broke the
news to her this evening, and tires are on sale at Pep Boys, so I'm not in
too much trouble.

With a little luck, I'll be looping in a matter of days!


> Don't know if this will help--but there isn't much depreciation on the
> purchase of a used item on ebay. You could reassure your wife that if
> worse comes to worse, you can sell it for pretty much what you paid
> for it. (If you value your relationship, you probably shouldn't point
> out that this isn't true for a lot of the stuff that she buys. . .)
> Anyway, congratulations! I'm very happy with mine.
> On 6/18/06, Joshua Carroll <josh@infinivert.com> wrote:
>> Well, I won an auction for an almost new FBC1010 this morning for under
>> 120 USD after shipping.  Woohoo!  I had the cash saved up, and almost
>> ordered a brand new one about a week ago, but at my wife's request, I
>> put
>> off ordering for a few days "just in case something comes up."  When I
>> saw
>> this one going so cheap, it seemed that her better judgment had paid off
>> in the form of cash.  But as fate would have it, no sooner had I
>> committed
>> the cash elsewhere than a tire on my car decided to explode.  We have a
>> small emergency fund for things like this, so we're OK, but that's not
>> going to stop the inevitable "I told you so" coming my way as soon as
>> she
>> gets off of work.  And with a baby on the way, it's going to sting...
>> I've never felt simultaneous excited anticipation and dread over the
>> purchase of gear before... woohoo!
>> --Josh
> --
> Art Simon
> simart@null.net
> http://art.simon.tripod.com
> http://www.myspace.com/artsimon