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Re: Hiromi


That's not fair. You psychic rick?


On 6/21/06 4:13 AM, "loop.pool" <looppool@cruzio.com> wrote:

> Come on you guys,  admit it.
> It's really the bass players fuzzy sweater that you all have your 
>panties in
> a bunch over! 

³Virtue is just repression waiting to go bad² - Trevor Exter

³Classical music is related to the past more than it is related to the
creative part of sound² - Ornette Coleman
Todd Reynolds
42-09 47th Ave 1C
Sunnyside, NY  11104
Ph.    718 392-3773
Mob.   917 576-6166
Fax    419 781-5502

9175766166@vtext.com (155 characters or less)
AIM ID: toddreyn