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Re: Kyma System with Looper Construction Kit for sale

I just called and clarified it with Kurt. I am correct. A buyer should be 
aware of this. Kurt cited the same link that I found, and said that this 
stipulation definitely applies. See towards the bottom...

 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: Mark Landman <mlandman@sonic.net>
> Hi Again-
>  From the Symbolic Sounds site-
> > How much does a support contract cost?
> >
> > We offer free e-mail, fax, and telephone support.
> >
> > Once I buy the system, am I then on my own or do I become part of a  
> > "family"?
> >
> > Now that you mention it, it is a bit familial at times (even down  
> > to the detail that we might feel a little hurt if we never hear  
> > from you!).
> >
> > Seriously though, there is a strong Kyma community and there are  
> > plenty of opportunities to interact with other Kyma users and with  
> > the hardware/software developers both online and in person at  
> > various trade shows and educational workshops around the world.
> >
> > The kyma•tweaky site is a place for posting news of Kyma-related  
> > events (concert dates, album releases, games, workshops, etc.),  
> > asking questions and exchanging patches designed by your "Kyma- 
> > siblings" (to further the family analogy). And the Eighth Nerve  
> > email list and online newsletter provides news on some of the  
> > intriguing applications that make use of Kyma.
> and more to the point-
> > Software updates and hardware upgrades
> >
> > What is the current version number on the software? When is the  
> > next one coming out? How much does each software update cost?
> >
> >
> >
> > We are currently shipping Kyma X (where 'X' stands for the last  
> > letter in 'six'). Major updates (where the first number increments)  
> > cost somewhere between $150 and $200. Minor updates (where the  
> > numbers after the decimal point are incremented) are provided free  
> > throughout the year and are downloadable from our web site.
> >
> > When is the next software or hardware upgrade coming out?
> >
> > We are always working on improving Kyma. But because we know from  
> > past experience how difficult it is to accurately predict release  
> > dates, it is our policy not to discuss dates or projected times for  
> > any new software or hardware.
> >
> > One thing we can tell you, though, is that we have a long track  
> > record of providing multiple upgrade paths and generous discounts  
> > to our current customers.
> >
> > Remember that any time you buy a new computer (or for that matter  
> > any kind of technology, even old technology like a car), you do so  
> > with the certain knowledge that the company is already working on  
> > next year's model (or in the case of computers, it could even be  
> > next quarter's model). It is a familiar dilemma faced by every  
> > person who has ever purchased a computer: Can I afford to wait for  
> > the new model to come out? Or do I have some work I need to do now  
> > and could Kyma make a difference in the quality of that work?
> >
> > When a computer-maker comes out with a new model, it doesn't mean  
> > that the old model on your desk stops working, and similarly for  
> > the Capybara. But Symbolic Sound goes a step further by offering a  
> > special discount on hardware upgrades to current users based upon  
> > how long they have had the system. (And when was the last time your  
> > friendly computer manufacturer offered you a deal like that?).
> I think this all sums it up pretty well. It's in Symbolic's best  
> interest to keep the value up for all their products, to keep their  
> base of regular users upgrading, so they're relatively generous in  
> that respect.
> BTW, the software upgrades are usually pretty generous too, usually  
> having several "big" improvements per year beside numerous smaller  
> ones. For example, Kyma X was the most recent big upgrade, to which  
> their crossfilter (realtime convolution module) was added midway,  
> followed later with their Tau synthesis algorithm, a mondo pitch/time/ 
> formant graphic editor/module combination for multiple simultaneous  
> samples. In between there were a lot of fixes and introduction of  
> other new features.
> Any further questions please feel free to email me off-list,
> Thanks-
> Mark
> On Feb 16, 2007, at 1:52 PM, Ancient Eyeball Recipe wrote:
> >
> > Well, I was told this in person by Kurt at one point, and I believe  
> > that somewhere on their site (or in the license agreement, I can't  
> > recall) this is explicitly stated. they do treat their users well,  
> > but I believe that what I'm saying is correct.
> >
> >  -------------- Original message ----------------------
> > From: Mark Landman <mlandman@sonic.net