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Re: AW: looking for looper that syncs to real drums

On 24 maj 2007, at 23.23, Jens Wolters wrote:

> Per. I don't get your concept actually. I am mainly working with short
> loops. As I wrote most of the time our drummer is tight. I just  
> have to
> adjust the tempo a bit.

Sorry, I left out something in my description. What you do is to  
record a new loop that erases the old one, and you will of course  
catch this new loop in the correct tempo - not the old, now  
incorrect, tempo. On the EDP you do this right away with two button  
presses: Record and Record. That's it. The catch is that you need to  
replay whatever you had going in the loop, but if you can play it a  
second time, now in the correct tempo, it's just damn easy. Trying to  
adjust a machine that is off beat would never be as accurate.

> So I might take
> another look at the Moebius EDP Clone which is software based.

Yes, Mobius can do that trick too.

> Hase anbody tried the pitch shifting within Moebius ?

Yes, but it's not yet good enough.
