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Re: toronto, next week

If you're into the creative/improv music end of things, Somewhere There has two good acts on next Thursday and Saturday

And the nice folks at the Assoc. of Improvising Musicians Toronto (aimt) have their Friday night Leftover Daylight series http://www.ovalwindowmusic.org/leftoverdaylight/main.php  It looks like Canadian Renaissance man, Michael Snow (painter, photographer, videographer) is playing in the last act on Friday the 15 and 22. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Snow

The free weekly is Now Magazine - http://www.nowtoronto.com; check out their music listing for what's up.

There's plenty of big music stores - Steve's, Long & McQuade -but I'm not sure about small/freaky stores other than this one - http://www.capsulemusic.com/

Got anything in particular you're looking for, Os?


Os <os@collective.co.uk> wrote:
Hi all,

I've just arranged a business trip to Toronto for next week. Anyone
got any recommendations?

Looks like I just missed out on the Ambient Ping, by a remarkable bit
of ill timing. Bah!



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