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Re: OT: StringPort for polyphonic guitars

Ricky Graham wrote:
> http://www.gibson.com/DigitalGuitarNew/gibsonDigital.html
> Only heard of this today, I have to admit that it looks great.
> Ricky

I haven't seen the humbucking hex p/u before, that's very interesting.
(Roland p/us sound bad, and I'm not convinced by piezos).
I also like the fact that they have "studio quality pre-amps" for each

...but it's a strange setup, if I interpret correctly.

The guitar is connected by (non-standard) ethernet cable to a breakout box 
called BOB.
Then the only way to get hex audio into a pc would seem to be running 6 
analog cables
to another interface.
Unless, of course the BOB has an unmentioned usb/firewire output.

Wouldn't it be easier to just put a firewire audio interface in the 
... but no manufacturer will touch the idea, because Gibson own a patent.

andy butler