Good to know. Thanks. Always happy to learn. Fortunately, I do have decent RAID backup. But the gold CDs do sound better. I ran into this with an extreme audiophile/studio friend a while back. I've done the checksum routine with other stuff in the past. Took quite a while - was a lot of work. I did it manually. Is there an automated way? (Should we continue this off list?) I have almost five TB of archived audio now. Not to mention the six years of backup to tape that lost its directory a couple years ago (Retrospect). Haven't rebuilt that yet. Ouch! The good news is, I have pulled ten year old Pro Tools sessions (from HD) recently that sounded and played fine.... but the whole archive thing gives me the willies. thanks again, Dennis. R On Oct 14, 2009, at 6:44 PM, Dennis Moser wrote: