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ableton live users - nice little trick

just stumbled across this while perusing some clips

if, like me, you like to use fx on your loops, especially to create
rhythms from ambient drones etc, then here's a fun thing to try...

set up an audio track and drop some drum loops into it
set up another audio track and drop the vocoder in as an effect. for
audio in, select your drum track
send the audio from the drum track to the vocoder track (not sure if
you have do do this, you may just be able to turn off monitoring)
in the vocoder, set the input to external and select the track that's
playing your loop audio
now the drum track with "rhythmatise" your loop
if you can mute the original loop audio, so you can just hear the
vocoder audio, all the better

very nice sounds available, especially if you play with the formant
and the depth controls and make sure you set it to "L/R", not "stereo"
for panning fun
also good, because you can drop lots of different drum loops in on the
same track and have lots of different rhythms available
add synced delays,sweeping filters etc after the vocoder for more interest



more experienced ableton users probably discovered this years ago, but
there you go....