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All of the points on the "Beyond Fripp" topic are well-considered and quite valid. One thing that I would have to say is that Fripp is the first person I'm aware of who was using real-time looping in a live performance context. I know he didn't invent reel-to-reel tape loops, or any other mechanical looping principle. But I haven't heard of anyone previous to him who actually took the gear out into the "real world" and performed live concerts using this sort of hardware. (If there is indeed historical prescedent for this before Fripp, please feel free to correct me). For that alone, Fripp is sort of a Godfather to any live loopists, particularly those coming from a rock-oriented background. A couple of things Jon mentioned piqued my interest: > Clarification (I hope): I think what I was trying to say is that I see a >whole > range a possibilities within "looping" that are not touched upon in >Fripp's > work: Dynamics (mentioned earlier); rhythmic possibilities; letting go >on top of > the loopage (I really love Fripp's solos, and would greatly enjoy >hearing him > rip on top of some of his soundscapes); use of various sound sources >(different > guitar tones-fuzzed or not or synthed or slide or ebow or scraped >strings or > whatever; adding vox; adding odd noises; etc); harmonic movement, etc. >So many > options not yet taken within his work. This is very true; one thing about Fripp's Soundscaping work is that there's very little in the sound of the stuff to suggest that there's a guitar at work, since guitar synth seems to be the primary sound source for these particular endeavors. (Compare that to someone like Torn, whose loops almost always have a certain guitaristic accent to their sound). As far as the soundscape releases that have cropped up over the last couple of years, I have mixed feelings. _1999_ impressed me greatly, and demonstrated quite a range of textures and approaches (including a very rhythmic approach on the second piece). _A Blessing Of Tears_, on the other hand, fails to reach me; I have to second Jon's comments about it being homogenous and fairly non-developmental. (It's also a fairly easy type of sound to imitate, I feel.) I skimmed through bits of _Radiophonics_ and found it more to my liking, but haven't yet plopped down the cash for it. (There's a four-CD Soundscapes boxed set that's due to be released sometime soon by the American branch of Fripp's label, so I'll probably wait for that, especially since the fourth volume of the current Soundscapes CD series will only be available as a part of that box. Sounds like Fripp is getting more and more into his role as record company mogul... But that's another thread altogether). Incidentally, the frist time I saw Crimson, over the summer of 1995, the soundscape intro to "B'boom" that Fripp pulled off made my hair stand on end. It was abstract, angular, and very, very eerie. I wish I could get a recording of just that bit... > Also a small point: when I speak of > Loopage, I'm talking also about delays which do not "loop", but do >receiculate > as a part of the music. From what I've heard, many of the soundscape >pieces > aren't loops but many different long delay patterns. Uh oh, I sense a semantics war approaching... :} Should we make a distintion between "loops" in the sense of single overdubbed lines from a JamMan, Echoplex, or similar device, as opposed to having several delay units running individual loops of differing lengths? > Anyone who has heard "What Means Solid, Traveller?" by David Torn should >have a > sense of how far looping can be taken. After all,the whole record is >essentially > a series of loops. Some were PCM 42, some were JamMan, and some were > computer-derived. But none of it sounds stale. This album is very >abrasive > (intentionally), but is a masterwork in the field of looping. Very true. It's several steps beyond the applications heard of "Tripping Over God," which was based largely around a formula of bringing in a rubato loop, soloing over it, then fading the piece out. I don't mean that as a slam against Torn at all, because there's some breathtaking music that he squeezes out of that "formula," but it does become a somewhat predictable pattern after a while (though I can tell that on some of those pieces, there is a bit of studio editing/compiling going on). "Traveller," on the other hand, it several steps beyond that, althogh my impression is that a large amount of that came from a cut-and-paste approach on a hard disk recorder, which was applied to both loops and to more "straight" guitar and drum parts. It's important to keep that sort of distinction in mind; when comparing "Traveller" or "Tripping" to the Soundscapes discs, bear in mind that we're comparing studio-assembled multitracked projects to live solo improvisations (although there is minor post-performance editing on some of the Soundscape pieces, generally for length.) When Torn staged his solo tour in support of "Tripping" (and Trilok Gurtu), many of the songs were accompanied by DAT backing tracks or drum machines. Fripp's approach to looping has always been based upon his oft-quoted adage of "making a lot of noise with one guitar," and his work with the technique still seems based first and foremost upon live solo improv. (BTW, thanks very much for your kind words regarding my tape, Jon.) > BTW--This is in no way intended to dis Mr. Fripp. I have the highest >regard for > his work throughout the years, and he's one of only a handful of >musicians who > have stuck to their guns in the face of commercial pressure and >continued to > make interesting and provocative music. It's just that I think he could >do more > in the looping arena. And I sincerely hope that he will. It's funny, but I've started to think of certain pieces as being in the vein of what I call a "classical loop piece," referring to a single loop being set up on one delay or sample-based unit which is then overdubbed upon and let to play on. The aforementioned Torn pieces on "Tripping" would fall into that category, as would pretty much anything done on a non-loop-specific unit (which I guess includes everything except for one of the Big Three) or a tape-based system, including the Frippertronics phase of Fripp's work. There are a lot more possibilities out there today, particularly in the realm of step-time digital assembly, but also in terms of real-time work. The Echoplex has all sorts of possibilities for real-time cut-and-paste work with the multiply and insert functions, which I'll admit I still haven't delved into as deeply as I should have. It's easy to get caught up in the classical looping approach, which may be one reason why Fripp seems to stick to it for his work to this day. Wow, that's a long post. Sorry to clog so much bandwidth, and thanks for listening to me think. 'Till next time, --Andre P.S. On a not unrelated note, I sent e-mail to the administrators at Elephant Talk, the Fripp/Crimson digest and Web site, asking that a link to Looper's Delight be set up in recognition of the fairly regular appearance of posts inquring as to the nature of exactly how Frippertronics works (there was yet another one in the current edition).