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What I be doing... Finally broke down and bought the Momo Aida Vid. She gets done in the back of a Suburban driving down some Japanese freeway. The moans from the TV feed into the volume pedal which feeds into the Plex then into one of the Vortex's, I pump her up and down (ahem) and play along with the Dub, then switch to the old Roland 300 and run it through the other Vortex all through the old 4 channel Panasonic amp out through the double D9's and the two Whomping JBLs. Am I doing something wrong, Mommy? I'm getting skinniner and skinner... Leonard Cohen (burnning lady one) Dylan Blonde on Blonde Cure Disintegration Couple of Bill Nelsons Miles Bitches Brew Bjork latest Ana Gabrielle (three of em) Tom Waits (Black Rider) Xin Tron Tuoi Loan (Huong Lan Manh Quynh2) Huh? Romeo Void