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Re: Looper CD: don't miss out

At 04:39 PM 12/11/97 -0800, Marathon Records/Finley Sound Design wrote:
>Here's the list (it also appears at
>ANET@aol.com <ANET@aol.com>
>Bret Moreland <Bret_Moreland@maxtor.com>
>David Kirkdorffer <Dkirkdorffer@exapps.com>
>Doug Michael <dmic27@ccnet.com>
>Doug Pieren <qual@e-z.net>
>Frank Gerace <seahorse@us1.channel1.com>
>Len Seligman <seligman@mitre.org>
>Keenan Lawler <klaw@iglou.com>
>Malhomme Olivier <malhomme@infobiogen.fr>
>Mark B <ngc1275@voicenet.com>
>Markus Reuter <mreuter@post.Uni-Bielefeld.DE>
>Matt McCabe <marathon@joshuanet.com>
>Matthias Grob <matthias@bahianet.com.br>
>Michael Peters <Mpeters@compuserve.com>
>Michael Preston <michpres@erols.com>
>Miguel Barella <miguel.barella@poyry.com>
>Mike Barman <eponine@netnet.net>
>Mike Biffle <mike.biffle@wj.com>
>Patrick Smith <patrick@his.com>
>T.W. Hartnett <hartnett.t@apple.com>
>Walt Blackler <whb4@cornell.edu>

wow, great turn out! Looks like more than one cd! Are we going to start
plans for Looper's Delight Vol 3 then?


Kim Flint                      408-752-9284
Mpact System Engineering       kflint@chromatic.com
Chromatic Research             http://www.chromatic.com