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Re: DX

>Well, . . .  DX-7 not GOOD enough for you. EH?   (guess I'll save the Dom
>Perignon for myself)
>I like mine just peachy (and am unforunately one of those
>algorithim/operator "enabled" individuals who depends on RAM banks of 
>people's sounds)
> . . . and Eno seemed to like his just fine as well  ;"
I agree, Tom.  Love the DX, though I don't own one, I still use 'em in the
studio _A LOT_.

I've had 2 TX81Zs on the road with me for a few years now, and I'm always
amazed by the gear heads who come up to me after almost every show asking
about the FAT (or is that PHAT, I just don't know anymore) sounds I'm

I'll nail them down to a sound or two that they really like and more often
than not it will be comming from the TX81Zs!  (usually processed through an
LXP-1 and LXP-5 combination.)  I just think that this is funny, because my
rack also contains a Korg Wavestation A/D, (loopers alert:  This is a
serious synth for anyone who is interested in rhythmic looping) an Akai
S1100, a Kurzweil 2500RS, and a Techniques WSA-1 physical modeling synth,
among other things.  Point is, the TX81Zs usually get the sneers from these
guys when they first check out the rig, and a few people have even
commented on how "out of place" these boxes are among all the "high end"

It's even funnier, since the guy at the shop that I bought one of the
TX81Zs from didn't know what it was and sold it to me for $79.95, and the
other was given to me by a drummer who had "upgraded" to a GM with "more
realistic sounds."

I guess I'm just the Mac Daddy of retro (or is that the Daddy Mac?!?)

-Doug Tapia