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<DELURK> Have been interested in surround sound for a while; however, have not had the budget to experiment much, as of yet. I know of at least two products which will do surround reverb, the Lexicon 960L and the Eventide System 6000 (I believe Orville is also surround-capable, but not sure to what extent). Theoretically, Sony's new "modelling" reverb is capable of this if you can obtain 4-channel "recordings" of the spaces you want to model. I also seem to remember another product which emulates 4 channel reverb by crossing the internal outputs of some of the "sub-reflections" into the inputs of the other 4 reverbs -- you can probably experiment with this with existing gear, depending on how many reverbs you have and submixes you are capable of. Specifically: create 4 mono reverbs, FL, FR, RL, & RR; each one should be short (early reflections only); mix the dry signal with one of the other reverbs as the input to one of the other reverbs in a "tire rotation" manner; monitor outputs; change parameters to taste. You may also want to send the outputs of the above described setup into 4 regular mono or 2 regular stereo reverbs (I.E. FL -> FL, FR -> FR, etc.) if you have enough equipment. In this case, you will want to leave the early reflections fairly short and dry, and use the later reverbs for the tails. The "pre-reverb" portion can also be done with 5 channels -- you can either listen to, or ignore the output of the fifth channel. Lastly, you should also probably be able to emulate the four-channel version of the pre-reverb with two stereo reverbs (left as an exercise for the reader). I have also been playing a thought experiment in my head of what a quad- chorus would sound like. (-: There have also been several good articles on surround sound in magazines, lately, one of which eludes me at the moment (will get back to you on that), the other being the issue of EQ with Jason Miles on the cover, 2000 Issue Two (should still be available). On a side note -- I originally got interested in this after hearing some of James Dashow's wonderful 4-channel recordings which he created on a computer. He is absolutely the _master_ of space. He can make things sound like they are coming from a pinpoint location, or he can spread the sound so that it sounds like it is coming from the entire listening plane. But he was using more than just reverb (in fact, I'm not even sure he did reverb), he did it more with the phase relationships of the sounds coming from the 4 monitoring positions. I don't know if he did any papers on the topic, but if you find any, let me know! </DELURK> -- I remain, :-Peter aka :-Dusty :-Chalk On Mon, 20 Mar 2000, Dennis W. Leas wrote: > I've been experimenting with four-channel looping. That is, looping >through > four discrete output channels. Looping sounds that rotate in your sonic >space, > etc... > > How do you do four-channel reverb? Every reverb unit I'm familiar with >does > stereo at most and mono at least. Anybody doing four-channel or >surround- > sound reverberation? Any links? Ideas?